Vom aborda subiectul comunicării în afaceri stabilindu-i caracteristicile în cadrul contextului mai larg al comunicării umane. În timpul perioadelor modernă şi postmodernă, asistăm la o formă de neo-umanism bazat pe impersonalitatea marilor comunităţi urbane din metropolisul lumii.
We will approach the topic of the business communication by establishing its characteristics within the larger context of the human communication. During the modern and especially postmodern periods, we assist to a form of neo-humanism based on the impersonality of the great urban communities in the world metropolis. The economic units are seen today through the perspective of their reports with the social area, the modern image of a company is that it is mainly formed of human resources and then of technical and logistical endowments.
Nowadays, great efforts are made to build the identity of a company (brand, trade mark) which presents itself as a social body reported to similar ones in the market at a certain moment. The image is fundamental for every company, and that is why they hire specialists in public relations to improve the social impact of their trade mark.
The role of the services and actions of the PR department is to build the identity image of the company but also to create and maintain good relations with the public and since this relation is fundamental for the argumentation process, we will briefly present the target public categories of the PR activities: written, audio-visual or electronic mass-media; public opinion or external public (every citizen); internal public (employees, managers, internal organisations, unions etc.); the financial institutions, banks, stock markets, insurance companies etc.
We mention that the communication model chosen refers to the relation with the internal public of a multinational company, namely E.ON Romania.