The modern world found itself in a difficult situation of uncertainty, which was caused by the emerging pandemic and the ensuing quarantine with the accelerated digitalization of all human life areas. The study focuses on the mismatch between the human consciousness state and the conditions for the existence of the world in the post-covid epoch. A theoretical justification is given for the emergence of a person’s hope to change people’s behavior and consciousness around the world after serious experiences. The problem of hope is seen against the backdrop of the digital transformation of society.
The research objective is a psychological and educational discourse of hope. Research shows that the concept of hope establishes a connection with those of faith and love. Concept of hope is presented in psychological discourse, the natural, innate essence of hope. Hope is seen as part of the culture. The role of hope for the formation a person’s positive thinking is shown. The theoretical research shows the need to consider not only the genetic content of the human hope program, which is shown in the framework of psychological discourse. The importance of creating social conditions for the realization of hope, as well as social, labor and cognitive activities of the person himself is emphasized, and this is creation forms goals and meanings of life. The role of education in general and higher education in particular for the implementation of the listed conditions is noted. The main elements of the educational system are considered because of a systematic approach to research, the correct selecting and accounting of which can lead humanity to the realization of hope for sustainable development and evolutionary changes. Emphasis is placed on the need to build a pedagogical educational space in accordance with the Nature Laws.
The empirical research data of higher school student's physical, mental and social health components in a natural experiment during a pandemic and digital transformation are presented. The research results diagnosed a decrease in all components of a student's health during the quarantine, regardless of the trained specialty. The significance of the differences in the results is confirmed by Fisher’s correlation coefficient. We concluded that the state of quarantine does not correspond to the observance of Nature Laws, questions the realization of hope for a better future and the human society evolution.