Inspired by researches from the fields of psychology and feminist theory, this paper intends to discuss the theme of hope in Emna Rmili’s Sahtt Larwah (The Spirits’ Beach) based on a close reading of the novel’s chapters and on its open ending. In fact, both characterization and symbolism help unveil signs of hope which counter the theme of despair and the intimations of failure recurrent in some substantial parts of the novel. Our reading refers to the different chapters in the novel with a particular focus on the ending as a fundamental part of the book, replete with symbols and significations. As the novel unfolds, the theme of despair is highlighted through the characters’ accounts of their disappointing journey to find a release from misunderstanding and persecution. Yet, notwithstanding the elements of intrigue and elusive meaning in the ending, there are conspicuous elements that can be read as promising signs of hope.