• Cicchetti,  Melissa
    University of Oviedo (Universidad de Oviedo), Spain

The aim of this article is to propose a new gypsy[1] situated (Haraway, 1988) and feminist methodology of literary reading able to revaluate gypsy literary production which is systematically silenced and marginalized by hegemonic and binary readings. As far as the structure of this work is concerned, a situated (Haraway, 1988) feministqueer methodology of close literary reading (Schor, 2007), grounded both in gypsy theory and reality, is created by interweaving feminist and queer theories (Butler 1990 and 2004) as so to call for readers’ awareness of multiple possibilities of gender identifications beyond binary dichotomies. In doing so, new forms of emancipating inclusive knowledge are generated. Focusing on the emotional resistances experienced by readers in engaging with (gender) binary while reading gypsy texts, the steps of this feminist praxis of reading (Buikema 2014) are outlined. Thus, the aim is to uncover such resistances, revert them and reconstruct an alternative system of multiple possibilities of identifications and significations beyond any oppressive and colonial binary.


[1] It is necessary to clarify that the use of the word “gypsy” referring to the “Roma” or “Romani” community, whit uppercase or not, is totally due to an author’s personal decision. In fact, it mainly depends by the author’s personal identification with the word “gypsy” because of its perceived wider openness to a multiplicity of possible identifications.