As the majority of the Swiss writers, C.-F. Ramuz feels very connected to his native countryside place, which has become his main source of inspiration, as for him ‘the countryside’ is more than a simple landscape: it is the very place he gets his roots from, as well as an accepted or refused land. Switzerland’s identity problem is perceived through his writings, explaining sometimes the (strong) emphasis on Romandia’s realist authenticity orientated to simplicity and the refusal of the mainly based on high technical development contemporary society. The desire to come back to a paradisiacal state, to the original fusion clarifies why C.-F. Ramuz plans to complete a simple peasantry work of art. In order to achieve this, he ‘adopts the primitive point of view’ and perceives nature ‘from the peasant’s way of being’. His writings transform themselves into a passion more important than life and a mirror of his country’s soul.